Need Help?
here is your Chance To Get A "Masters Degree" in Reality-Based Self Defense...
In a Couple Hours, You will Know How:
The 1 Thing that Disables ANY Attacker… 
Even if they are bigger, faster and stronger than you.
You'll see why there's no need to become a master martial artist…

No need to train hundreds of "if he does this, then you do that" scenarios...

That's because this one thing is NOT some punch-block-kick nonsense that only works with a training partner who's willing to let you win…

It's not some Kung Fu death touch…

Or any of that nonsense.

And contrary to popular belief - this ONE Skill - has nothing to do with YOUR size, strength, age, or skill level…… IN FACT:

It's already a part of your natural survival system.

You are hardwired to use it in a life or death battle... Yet you've never been taught how to use it well...

Until TODAY.
Fair Warning!
NOW: Before we dive in - I must warn you:
This content has been banned in some countries where they feel this is too dangerous…

And I've never done this before online. So, I'm only leaving this page up for 4 days… After that it's coming down… SO:

Do yourself (and your loved ones) a favor, and read this right now while you still can...
'Nuff said.

NOW: The real problem when it comes to dealing with predatory violence are the lies being spread in the "self-defense" industry...

But today you'll discover a totally different approach to protecting yourself, your family, and your lifestyle… Right here on this page.

First, I want to share a really personal-and somewhat vulnerable story with you about how I stumbled upon the truth about survival violence…

You see, I never set out to be the recognized authority on the scientific application of violence…

And I certainly never imagined that I'd teach it to elite special forces and law enforcement…

… Or that Google, TedX and guys like Tony Robbins would ever ask me to teach it as well.

I wanted to be behind the scenes - in the thick of the action - far from the spotlight...

My whole life all I ever wanted to be was a Navy SEAL… Yet, my career as a Navy SEAL came to a very painful ending before it even got started.

Here's what I mean:
The Painful Lesson About Violence
That Changed My Life
Prior to being accepted to Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training (BUD/S), I spent 10 years of my life preparing for the rigors of SEAL training.

In fact, I was bigger, faster, and stronger than all of my peers.

My boat crew and I crushed every evolution the instructors threw at us. We were crowned the top boat crew after Hell Week.

Nothing and nobody could touch me… I was invincible…

Or so I thought.

Two weeks prior to graduation, in the final phase of training we were tasked with a basic dive mission in the Pacific Ocean. Our job was to practice attaching explosives to underwater obstacles.

It was supposed to be an easy dive…

So, even though I was a little stuffy and felt some pressure in my ears, I dove anyway.

And as I was attaching the explosives, an underwater wave slapped against my ear…

It felt like a spike of ice shot straight through my brain… Then, a warm liquid oozed out of my ear…

I had burst my eardrum…

And I immediately went into vertigo.

I literally did not know which way was up or down... it felt like the whole world was spinning around me…

And the only thing that saved me was a rope tied to the boat above me.

When I hit the surface, they tell me my head was slapping the water and I was shaking uncontrollably.

Blood was pouring out of my ear… AND:
All of my size, speed and strength
meant nothing…
I was crippled…


And lucky to be alive...

Once I reached the doctors on shore... I knew it was over. I would never dive again.

My dreams of becoming a Navy SEAL were dead.

And I was humiliated…

I felt like a failure - an embarrassment to my family…

I became a "bad omen" to my classmates… an all-to-real reminder of just how quickly it can all be over…

How easily even the toughest of us can be taken down.

I had no idea what I was going to do with myself - or even who I was... Because everything I had ever wanted was stripped from me…

In an instant.

My size, strength, superior abilities, and tenacity were no match for an injury to a part of my body smaller than a dime…

Hit with less force than a baby swinging its arm.
The Lesson I Learned Too Late
The injury to my eardrum left me with no control over my body… And stopped me dead in my tracks.

This taught me the profound lesson I'll share with you today about how easily a big, strong, highly-trained warrior can be disabled…

I eventually recovered from and became a Naval Intelligence Officer with the mission to teach hand-to-hand combat…

To SEALs and other elite units.

To be honest…

I was embarrassed to be teaching guys with combat experience "how to fight" when I myself had never been in combat…

I felt totally unprepared and out of my depth…

But a random introduction to a Vietnam vet changed everything… Resulting a system many believe is the most effective violence training available.

A system that has been tested on fields of battle in every continent…

And much closer to home - by mothers and fathers right here in America who were attacked by violent criminals…

And forced to either win… or DIE.

In 1991 I left the Navy and made it my life's mission to teach self-protection to good people who desire a life without fear for themselves…

And those they love.

A system that works for anyone - regardless of size, gender, or skill level...
...and works every time - against any violent criminal.

Reading this letter will save you the decades of effort it took me to hone this system to perfection…

And it might just save your life or the life of someone you love...
So keep reading...

And remember, even though I'm known worldwide as the foremost expert on "survival violence" …

I'm no different than you or anyone else.

I just have a system.
Where Most "Self Defense" Systems Get It Wrong…
Most hand-to-hand combat systems (including military and law enforcement) focus on making you the bigger, stronger, faster fighter...

The injury that ended my career as a SEAL taught me a different approach…
A simpler, more reliable approach.

Instead of making bigger, stronger, faster warriors…

The key to my system's success is the focus on the one thing all human bodies share…
Weak spots.

The system I've developed and refined over 25 years allows everyday men and women, like us to no longer live in fear…

To live life with complete confidence, and the ability to face - and defeat - any attacker, instantly.

This is the exact same system I use to train Fortune 100 companies, international agencies, NATO military detachments, special operations, federal law enforcement and security contractors.

It's the same system I teach to soccer moms, grandmothers - even the disabled...
Because it doesn't depend on your size, speed, strength or skill.

Instead it depends on a principle called "neural override" which I'll share with you in a moment...


We need to talk about the real problem you face as a citizen who desires and deserves to feel safe in a dangerous world…

Because the truth is…

If you've been listening to most "self-defense" experts…
You are in danger.

And it's NOT your fault…

The "self-defense" industry is to blame…

In fact - the very term "self-defense" puts you in the wrong mindset to win when your life is on the line.

In a life or death struggle there is always one who is the predator and one who is the prey…

One who is doing violence and one who is defending.
This 1 Truth Could Keep You Alive
The truth is that you must become the predator in order to stop the predator…

And many of the techniques taught in "self-defense" dojos will get you killed when faced with asocial violence.

The truth is that anyone - regardless of size or strength - can train "injury" as a reflex-response to asocial violence...

An injury so devastating a criminal can no longer continue to attack…

It doesn't matter if your enemy is high on crack… Or what his intentions were before you inflicted the injury...

When you create injury… You stop the attack.

It's that simple.

Attack your attacker's weak spots… Create injury… Survive.
What to Do Now…
Now, over the last several days we've covered a ton of information about this exact topic…
And you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed or even confused… And that's okay:

At this point you basically have two choices:

Choice #1: You can take the information that I gave you over the last several days and try to figure the rest out on your own…

Or, you can make the smart choice… and take the easy path by going with:

Choice #2: Which is to take advantage of all of my work creating the Target Focus Training: All Access Virtual Training Center
  •  To deliver devastating injuries that put the attacker in a severely damaged state, unable to continue their act of violence on you...
  •  Turn the tables on the attacker and turn HIM into the victim...
  •  End a violent encounter safely in your favor by using easy-to-learn techniques & knowledge...
I'm Tim Larkin, creator of Target Focus Training...and I want to thank you for being aware and responsible enough to be reading this letter right now...

If you completed the Free 4-Day training I recently sent you, you already know the backstory of TFT, how and why it came about, and why teaching normal people how to live safer, more confident lives through self-defense IS MY LIFE'S MISSION.

You are reading this because deep inside, you KNOW the world is changing for the worse. You watch the news, you see the headlines. The violence that is affecting everyday people is getting worse and worse.

Every "statistic" you can imagine is increasing. Those graphs you see on the news are always trending up. It's not even possible to ignore it anymore...
Over the last 20 years, I have created 10+ best selling courses teaching average (meaning non-military / non-law enforcement) folks the fastest and easiest way to cut through all the "red tape", the time commitment, and the ongoing costs of learning martial arts for self-defense. 

In that same time, I have taught, in our Live Training Seminars, over 10,000 students from cities all over the world Target Focus Training...

This system has been endorsed by the military, law enforcement organizations, journalists, and even celebrities because of it's simplicity, effectiveness, and low time commitment to learn...
Target Focus Training is NOT:
  • A complicated martial art that takes decades to master
  • Competition techniques that only work when there are "refs & rules" to keep you safe
  • A false sense of security that could get you killed
  • Or any of that nonsense
TFT teaches you how to inflict real, debilitating injury on any attacker… by breaking every rule in combat sports.

And the brand new All Access Virtual Training Center is the best way to master every aspect of the Target Focus Training system…

All Access members will have access to over $3,915.95 of my best training... Instantly.
Glenn Beck: "Tim Larkin is the only man I trust to bring into my home to teach my wife & daughters to protect themselves… this is the ONLY self-defense system I recommend…. [it] has my highest endorsement”
Tony Robbins: “"Tim Larkin's teachings are the most effective, thoroughly tested, and reliable way to ensure your safety, confidence and self-assurance.” 
Those are just two from well known "celebrities" if you will, that were willing to tell others what working with Target Focus Training is like. I have hundreds of other "testimonials" that I could never mention due to privacy concerns...

The point here is that TFT works, and it works well. It works for the person with 5 minutes a week to learn it, or 5 minutes a day. You have to put in the effort, but if you do, over a short period of time you will learn the principles of Target Focus Training, and how to use these devastating techniques to "get home alive" if you were ever faced with a violent attack from another human being.
The Ultimate Way To Learn Target Focus Training
Several months ago, I began thinking of ways to become even more effective at teaching this material to as many people as possible. Over the last 20 years I have encountered every "excuse" or "reason" that someone might not want, or be able to learn TFT.

Not enough time is a popular one. Well, we all have the same amount of time, it's what we prioritize that matters.

Another is of course financial resources. TFT courses aren't cheap.

Are they worth it? 

Hell yes. I am reminded of this everytime I hear someone tell me that something they learned through TFT allowed them to "become their own first responder" and save their own life. 

You can't put a price on that. 

The skills I teach are something I hope you NEVER have to use. But if you must, then you will be glad you have them.  Kind of like life insurance. 

No ones wants to purchase it. It reminds us of our own mortality. But it's necessary.

Knowing how to defend yourself and your kids, or you wife (or husband), girlfriend/boyfriend, grandma or best friend in the event you encounter some thug intent on hurting you, kidnapping you (or you kids), raping you, or killing you, is PRICELESS.

But I do get it. Shelling out $300 - $500 for a one set of DVD''s not easy. 

I needed a better way to make TFT more accessible...and that's when I created...
The Target Focus Training PLATINUM Membership
The Ultimate Way To Learn Target Focus Training with unlimited access to ALL TFT Courses, Huge discounts on TFT Events, Access to the private Facebook Group, and a Community Of People just like you, who believe that Self-Defense is a natural right of all human beings...

This Brand New Program Includes:
#1 Unlimited Online Access to The 6 TFT Main Curriculum Courses: 
[Retail Value If Purchased Separately: $1682]
When you join today, each and every one of these Digital-Only products will be instantly UNLOCKED in the TFT Virtual Training Center. 
100's of hours of instruction will be immediately available to you and you can start training in just a few minutes!
I am not going to go into each course's contents here becuase I know you have seen these courses before and your time is valuable... but if you click on the image of the course, you can learn more about the subjects covered by each one...Each of the courses address a specific aspect of dealing with violent attackers, the modern environment, and HOW TO DAMAGE THE HUMAN BODY...moving on....
#2 Unlimited Online Access to The 4 TFT Specialty Courses:
[Retail Value If Purchased Separately: $888]
#3 The Complete TFT Core & Mastery 18 Month Virtual Program:
[Retail Value If Purchased Separately: $522]
The 18 Month Core Program gives you access to all 3 Levels of the TFT Training System, inside one video series. It's the next-best thing to Live Training!
  •  New Lessons & Videos Every Month, delivered to you in the optimum, pre-determined manner for learning TFT...
  •  It's a Global Classroom that you can take with you anywhere, and learn at your own pace...
#4 All FUTURE TFT Content, No Matter What!
[Retail Value If Purchased Separately: ???]
Without getting too detailed, I will just tell you that we have been hard at work developing some exciting new content products this year so far...and as a PLATINUM MEMBER, you
  •  Will always have access to ANY new TFT products through the VTC....AND
  •  You will be able to pre-screen, comment on and maybe even participate in the creation of the best self-protection related content in the world...
  •  There will never be any charge for these new products as an active PLATINUM MEMBER!
How about a sneak peak? This is an excerpt from a course currently in production featuring training straight out of Elite Special Operations...
#5 Access to the Exclusive Platinum Facebook Group:
[Only Available With Your Platinum Membership]
Platinum Members get extensive benefits from being part of the Facebook Group. Members will receive advance notices of events, trainings & other resources BEFORE regular TFT Customers...and A once a month webinar with myself & my network of advanced self-protection experts unavailable UNLESS you are a member!

And the Facebook Group is a great place to network with other TFT practitioners and students in your area!
#6 Massive Discounts On Live Training Events:
[This Alone Could Be Worth $$$ Thousands!]
TFT Live Training Events Are Coming To A City Near You!
The Live Training Event is the best way to "super-charge your learning of the TFT System, and is designed to compliment our online courses perfectly...
The standard price for a Individual Live Training Ticket is $1597. As a PLATINUM member, you won't pay anywhere close to that if you want to attend a weekend training! And, you will get even better pricing on family members, or group training than what is shown on the website...
If you attend just one event this year, your membership will have almost PAID FOR ITSELF!
#7 Member ONLY Discounts On Everything TFT, the TFT website, and even with certain partners! 
You will always pay less than our normal customers...
[This Alone Could Be Worth $$$ Thousands!]
OK, so let me summarize this incredible offer so far...when you join me as a PLATINUM MEMBER, you get: 
    •  Instant Access To All 6 TFT Core Courses, a value of $1682...
    •  Instant Access To 4 TFT Specialty Courses, a value of $888...
    •  Instant Activation of the 18 Month Advanced and Mastery VTC modules, delivered every month like clockwork... a value of $522...
    •  All future TFT courses, modules, and digital publications...a value of at least $297...thats just what the next course will be priced at!
    •  Instant Access To The Private PLATINUM Facebook never know what this could be worth...
    •  Massive, "LOCKED IN" Discounts on any and all TFT Live Events, this alone could make the Platinum Membership worth it...
    •  Additional Members-Only standing discounts on my website and unlimited potential value...
    By my math, that's a total $3389 in hard value, and what could be even more value on the unmeasurable benefits!

    Now I am sure you are thinking, "OK Tim, sounds amazing, but what is this going to cost?

    The original plan from my team was to roll out the Platinum Membership at $137/month. At that price, its an incredible value. Almost $3389 in retail value alone, if you were a member, and it took you an entire year to get through the material, you would STILL have gotten everything with this offer for $1644, which is a huge 52% discount!

    Never mind all the other the lifetime access to all new content, the discounts on Live Training, and the Facebook Group Access....

    But, something was bugging me...I wasn't happy with that price of $137. I told them we could do better...

    We HAD to do better, so more people can get this life-changing information...

    After discussions, some even a little "heated" so to speak..I agreed to $97/month as the "Official" price of the Platinum Membership. 

    But there were a couple things I wanted to happen....I wanted several months so I could "pre-launch" this program....

    Before it goes on the website, before we reach out to the general public, before we run ads on Facebook, and all of the other channels out there...

    I wanted some time to get this out to the people that have been on my list, have followed the development of TFT for a while....maybe waiting for an opportunity to finally take action and begin learning this life-saving information...

    Which brings us to today...right here, right now. With you making it this far, because you are in the special group of people that are seeing this first...

    Through this page and ONLY this page, you can lock in a lifetime price as a Charter Platinum Member, for only $67 today!

    That's a huge 30.9% discount!

    The Platinum Membership is an incredible value at $137/month. It's a steal at the "official" price of $97/month!

    At $67/month - it's a complete no-brainer....

    And...because it's SO important that you join my cause of making the world safer for us honest, hard-working, responsible members of society...

    I am going to make today's offer even better...

    If you join me today, as a CHARTER PLATINUM MEMBER, I am going to include the following essential bonuses:
    BONUS #1
    The TFT Strike Chart Poster (Value: $25) 
    BONUS #2
    TFT Source Book (Value: $49) 
    Just these 2 bonuses have a value of $74 if you ordered off of the website!

    That's how passionate and motivated I am to help you gain all of the confidence, feelings of security, and belief in yourself that should someone intent on doing you or your family harm, unfortunately, enter your life...they don't make a victim out of you.

    You make them the victim. They get injured (or even killed) trying to take your life, health, or that of a family member.

    Please understand, while I would love to, I can't keep this page up very long. It could be gone tomorrow if the Charter Member allocation...(remember I mentioned those "heated" conversations?) runs out, this page will have to be taken down...
    So Act Today By Clicking The Button Below...
    And, YES...As Always with TFT, You are 100% covered by my Industry-Leading, NO-BS Guarantee: 
    For over 15 years I have protected purchasers of TFT Products & Services with a guarantee that no one can match. That guarantee applies to the Platinum Membership as well. 

    If you don't think this is an incredible value, that the courses you have access too aren't worth it, or you decide that living a more confident, safe life isn't for you, you can cancel your membership at any time. No questions asked. All you have to do is send an email to 

    If, within the first 30 days you decide this isn't for you, I will refund your $67. You can even keep the strike chart and source book as a thank you for giving me the chance to teach you how to have a more confident, safer life through Target Focus Training. We will part as friends and I will continue to hope that you NEVER have to use anything I taught you!

    You never have anything to lose with Target Focus Training!
    Here's what a few students of Target Focus Training have to say...
    "As President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, I've seen and tested perhaps hundreds of various martial arts and self defense programs. .."
    "Tim's 'Target Focus Training' is by far one of the most devastating self protection systems I've trained in throughout nearly 30 years of combatives training.

    What I particularly found amazing was the ability to almost instantly 'infuse' these powerful tactics into the body's mind-muscle connection.
    The result is a natural 'flow' to the movements that waste no time in taking out any attacker in mere seconds while instilling bullet-proof confidence that if YOU are the only thing standing between a violent criminal and your family hiding behind you…you'll know EXACTLY what to do to destroy the threat and walk away safe!"
    Jeff Anderson
    President, Intl. Society of Close Quarter Combatants
    "Intense, effective, highly recommended. An incredible experience."
    "Larkin and his instructors are the absolute best in their field. Everyone else is four steps behind. What I liked was the intensity, the lack of unnecessary info, jargon and fluff. A complete focus on the fundamentals, the total concentration on results. With this system:
    1) You will learn what Larkin says you will learn, and
    2) The course is exactly as advertised -- intense, targeted, focused training designed to produce immediate results."
    Mark D. Fabiani, Crisis Mgt Consultant, La Jolla, CA
    "Finally I have learned something that applies to real life situations! "
    "The TFT camp exceeded my expectations from the material taught and it's application in real life to the superior teaching method applied."
    Steven LaMania, Bradenton, FL
    "Surpassed any expectations that I could have imagined"
    "At last someone tells the truth! Everything was broken down to the simplest of terms and nothing was kept secret from anyone. Well Done!"
    William Allen, Mapleton, ME
    "Being a police officer I thought that my gun was the most lethal weapon..."
    "I now know that my brain is the most lethal weapon and I no longer will fear over getting into a situation where I can't get to my weapon or whether someone attempts to take my weapon. Excellent!"
    Aaron Gardiner, Sheriff Deputy, Houston, TX
    "…VERY empowering…"
    "I've trained martial arts 4-5 times a week for years and done a lot of tournament fighting.
    What I like about TFT Striking that was so different is the shift in mindset. In martial arts it's all about points. When you put a punch, you stop and pull back. I became a typical headhunter, always hitting to the face as I've been taught as opposed to the groin or neck which could do so much more damage as I learned here.

    All my years of training taught me never to hit first and once I do hit, to stop and defend myself, not to do damage. Now, coming here, I realize I could kill someone if that's what I need to defend myself. That's empowering!

    I'm small and here I had to fight really big guys. When I applied the techniques of Striking I could easily take these guys down. It gives me a lot of confidence. I don't feel helpless. If I'm in a group of guys now and somebody tried to grab me I know I'm not going to get hurt because now my thinking is first, 'How am I going to hurt him?' It's a very good feeling, very empowering."
    Kris de Jesus, Accountant Las Vegas, NV
    "…the very same information that is given to the experts is given to the ordinary person…" 
    "This is a beautifully clear presentation of what has to be done to save your life in a desperate situation, given to people who may very well expect to face such situations and need the best training possible. That the very same information that is given to the experts, is given to the ordinary person, is very important."
    Ken Bolland, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
    "…the ONE I could not stop watching!" 
    "I have every DVD series you put out but this was the ONE I could not stop watching. So inspiring that I want to sign up for a live session. The material was intense and well constructed. Great job!"
    Rudy Martinez, Anaheim, CA
    "…TFT is the best system for everyone…" 
    "With 36 years in Martial Arts and being the training officer on non-lethal force I have found that TFT is the best system for everyone. Most systems need you to in top physical shape to make their system work. TFT will work for young and old men alike but best of all it can work for small women too. It brings officer safety to a new and higher level."
    Stuart Howard, Millington, TN
    The time to act is now - this is a severely limited time offer!
    Copyright © 2018 - Target Focus Training. All Rights Reserved