How to Instantly & Instinctively Injure Any Attacker...
How Far Would You Go to Save the Lives of Those You Love?
If a violent criminal walked through that door right now…
Would you be ready?

Will you know what to do?

The sad truth is that most good people are neither mentally ready, nor physically skilled to deal with asocial violence…

The terrifying fact is that criminals are.

You saw it on the news recently… You'll see it on the news again soon:
Random Acts of Violence
An attack with no reason or logic… no chance to talk them down.
Just gunshots and bodies… a person lying dead on the ground…

And the police never arrive in time.

But if you read this letter you'll discover one thing you can change TODAY to become the shield between violence…

And those you love...

If you read this letter to the end you'll also learn:
The 1 Thing that Disables ANY Attacker… 
Even if they are bigger, faster and stronger than you.
You'll see why there's no need to become a master martial artist…

No need to train hundreds of "if he does this, then you do that" scenarios...

That's because this one thing is NOT some punch-block-kick nonsense that only works with a training partner who's willing to let you win…

It's not some Kung Fu death touch…

Or any of that nonsense.

And contrary to popular belief - this ONE Skill - has nothing to do with YOUR size, strength, age, or skill level…… IN FACT:

It's already a part of your natural survival system.

You are hardwired to use it in a life or death battle... Yet you've never been taught how to use it well...

Until TODAY.
Fair Warning!
NOW: Before we dive in - I must warn you:
This content has been banned in some countries where they feel this is too dangerous…

And I've never done this before online. So, I'm only leaving this page up for 4 days… After that it's coming down… SO:

Do yourself (and your loved ones) a favor, and read this right now while you still can...
'Nuff said.

NOW: The real problem when it comes to dealing with predatory violence are the lies being spread in the "self-defense" industry...

But today you'll discover a totally different approach to protecting yourself, your family, and your lifestyle… Right here on this page.

First, I want to share a really personal-and somewhat vulnerable story with you about how I stumbled upon the truth about survival violence…

You see, I never set out to be the recognized authority on the scientific application of violence…

And I certainly never imagined that I'd teach it to elite special forces and law enforcement…

… Or that Google, TedX and guys like Tony Robbins would ever ask me to teach it as well.

I wanted to be behind the scenes - in the thick of the action - far from the spotlight...

My whole life all I ever wanted to be was a Navy SEAL… Yet, my career as a Navy SEAL came to a very painful ending before it even got started.

Here's what I mean:
The Painful Lesson About Violence
That Changed My Life
Prior to being accepted to Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training (BUD/S), I spent 10 years of my life preparing for the rigors of SEAL training.

In fact, I was bigger, faster, and stronger than all of my peers.

My boat crew and I crushed every evolution the instructors threw at us. We were crowned the top boat crew after Hell Week.

Nothing and nobody could touch me… I was invincible…

Or so I thought.

Two weeks prior to graduation, in the final phase of training we were tasked with a basic dive mission in the Pacific Ocean. Our job was to practice attaching explosives to underwater obstacles.

It was supposed to be an easy dive…

So, even though I was a little stuffy and felt some pressure in my ears, I dove anyway.

And as I was attaching the explosives, an underwater wave slapped against my ear…

It felt like a spike of ice shot straight through my brain… Then, a warm liquid oozed out of my ear…

I had burst my eardrum…

And I immediately went into vertigo.

I literally did not know which way was up or down... it felt like the whole world was spinning around me…

And the only thing that saved me was a rope tied to the boat above me.

When I hit the surface, they tell me my head was slapping the water and I was shaking uncontrollably.

Blood was pouring out of my ear… AND:
All of my size, speed and strength
meant nothing…
I was crippled…


And lucky to be alive...

Once I reached the doctors on shore... I knew it was over. I would never dive again.

My dreams of becoming a Navy SEAL were dead.

And I was humiliated…

I felt like a failure - an embarrassment to my family…

I became a "bad omen" to my classmates… an all-to-real reminder of just how quickly it can all be over…

How easily even the toughest of us can be taken down.

I had no idea what I was going to do with myself - or even who I was... Because everything I had ever wanted was stripped from me…

In an instant.

My size, strength, superior abilities, and tenacity were no match for an injury to a part of my body smaller than a dime…

Hit with less force than a baby swinging its arm.
The Lesson I Learned Too Late
The injury to my eardrum left me with no control over my body… And stopped me dead in my tracks.

This taught me the profound lesson I'll share with you today about how easily a big, strong, highly-trained warrior can be disabled…

I eventually recovered from and became a Naval Intelligence Officer with the mission to teach hand-to-hand combat…

To SEALs and other elite units.

To be honest…

I was embarrassed to be teaching guys with combat experience "how to fight" when I myself had never been in combat…

I felt totally unprepared and out of my depth…

But a random introduction to a Vietnam vet changed everything… Resulting a system many believe is the most effective violence training available.

A system that has been tested on fields of battle in every continent…

And much closer to home - by mothers and fathers right here in America who were attacked by violent criminals…

And forced to either win… or DIE.

In 1991 I left the Navy and made it my life's mission to teach self-protection to good people who desire a life without fear for themselves…

And those they love.

A system that works for anyone - regardless of size, gender, or skill level...
...and works every time - against any violent criminal.

Reading this letter will save you the decades of effort it took me to hone this system to perfection…

And it might just save your life or the life of someone you love...
So keep reading...

And remember, even though I'm known worldwide as the foremost expert on "survival violence" …

I'm no different than you or anyone else.

I just have a system.
Where Most "Self Defense" Systems Get It Wrong…
Most hand-to-hand combat systems (including military and law enforcement) focus on making you the bigger, stronger, faster fighter...

The injury that ended my career as a SEAL taught me a different approach…
A simpler, more reliable approach.

Instead of making bigger, stronger, faster warriors…

The key to my system's success is the focus on the one thing all human bodies share…
Weak spots.

The system I've developed and refined over 25 years allows everyday men and women, like us to no longer live in fear…

To live life with complete confidence, and the ability to face - and defeat - any attacker, instantly.

This is the exact same system I use to train Fortune 100 companies, international agencies, NATO military detachments, special operations, federal law enforcement and security contractors.

It's the same system I teach to soccer moms, grandmothers - even the disabled...
Because it doesn't depend on your size, speed, strength or skill.

Instead it depends on a principle called "neural override" which I'll share with you in a moment...


We need to talk about the real problem you face as a citizen who desires and deserves to feel safe in a dangerous world…

Because the truth is…

If you've been listening to most "self-defense" experts…
You are in danger.

And it's NOT your fault…

The "self-defense" industry is to blame…

In fact - the very term "self-defense" puts you in the wrong mindset to win when your life is on the line.

In a life or death struggle there is always one who is the predator and one who is the prey…

One who is doing violence and one who is defending.
This 1 Truth Could Keep You Alive
The truth is that you must become the predator in order to stop the predator…

And many of the techniques taught in "self-defense" dojos will get you killed when faced with asocial violence.

The truth is that anyone - regardless of size or strength - can train "injury" as a reflex-response to asocial violence...

An injury so devastating a criminal can no longer continue to attack…

It doesn't matter if your enemy is high on crack… Or what his intentions were before you inflicted the injury...

When you create injury… You stop the attack.

It's that simple.

Attack your attacker's weak spots… Create injury… Survive.
What to Do Now…
Now, over the last several days we've covered a ton of information about this exact topic…
And you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed or even confused… And that's okay:

At this point you basically have two choices:

Choice #1: You can take the information that I gave you over the last several days and try to figure the rest out on your own…

Or, you can make the smart choice… and take the easy path by going with:

Choice #2: Which is to take advantage of all of my work creating the Target Focus Training: All Access Virtual Training Center
Hi I'm Tim Larkin, creator of Target Focus Training...

Target Focus Training (TFT) is the quickest, easiest, and the most effective way to possess the fearless confidence you desire and deserve…

And the brand new All Access Virtual Training Center is the best way to master ALL aspects of TFT…

There's no need to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel…

Because I've already laid out your exact, step-by-step blueprint for learning the principles, concepts, and tactics to defeat any attacker.

A system that's been tested for over 25 years…

One that's responsible for preparing over 10,000 men and women of all sizes, abilities, and skill levels to defeat bigger, stronger, faster attackers...

All without having to spend countless hours in the gym learning hundreds of useless techniques and without "Mastering" a martial art…

Target Focus Training (TFT for short) is the first life-saving combat system designed to teach you how to instantly and instinctively injure any attacker, regardless of their size, strength, or speed…

This radically simple system will work for you... Even if you…
  •  Are "too old", "too small" or "too out of shape" to fight 
  •  Are afraid you will "freeze up" when attacked 
  •  Are faced with multiple attackers 
  •  Worry your reactions are too slow…
  •  You're too weak…
  •  Or you're physically disabled 
Even if you've tried everything before and failed...

That's because TFT is not about punching kicking or learning choreographed techniques...

It has nothing to do with athleticism, size, strength, speed, stamina, age or gender…

It's not another self-defense system, a martial arts hack, or a combat sport.

As a matter of fact - to understand what Target Focus Training is… It first helps to understand what target focus training is NOT…
Target Focus Training is NOT:
  • A complicated martial art that takes decades to master
  • Competition techniques that only work when there are "refs & rules" to keep you safe
  • A false sense of security that could get you killed
  • Or any of that nonsense
TFT teaches you how to inflict real, debilitating injury on any attacker… by breaking every rule in combat sports.

And the brand new All Access Virtual Training Center is the best way to master every aspect of the Target Focus Training system…

All Access members will have access to over $3,915.95 of my best training... Instantly.
After reviewing just part of the training material in the All Access Virtual Training Center, here's what a couple of students had to say:
Tony Robbins: “"Tim Larkin's teachings are the most effective, thoroughly tested, and reliable way to ensure your safety, confidence and self-assurance.” 
Glenn Beck: "Tim Larkin is the only man I trust to bring into my home to teach my wife & daughters to protect themselves… this is the ONLY self-defense system I recommend…. [it] has my highest endorsement”
The Foundations Series ($537 Retail) 
The Foundation Series begins with the fundamentals and progressively prepares you for any violent encounter…

Armed… Unarmed… One attacker… Or multiple attackers…

No matter who has the weapons and the advantage when it starts… YOU will be the one who lives to see another day.

The Foundation Series is broken down in two parts…

Part 1 is the actual "Live Class" video.
This 6-video training series puts you on the mats with the instructors as they teach the class...

You'll learn the core concepts of "Target Assembly" and "Free Practice" …

You'll hear the Q&A… see instructor demonstration and correction and everything you would in our training center in Las Vegas…

All from the comfort of your own home and on your schedule.
Training Session #1: 
The Mechanical Facts Of Violence 
In this video lesson you'll learn:
  •  The secret to breaking the human machine and making it non-functional almost instantly
  •  The difference between "self-defense" and "doing violence" and why this could save your life some day 
  •  The lesson we took from firearms training that gets thrown out by most instructors when training the human weapon (This is a dangerous mistake - and you're going to learn why 
  • The surprising reason we don't train you to talk yourself out of situations or run away
  •  Why athletic ability, size, speed and strength are not needed to win in a violent encounter
  •  How TFT differs dramatically-and is actually safer to train-than other systems that employ a "last man standing" training philosophy 
  • Lessons from the most wildly-effective people who use the tool of violence… (Most have no training at all)
  •  The London Lawyer story that teaches you the critical cues that should trigger you to use the tool of violence
And that's just video #1...
Training Session #2: Target Assembly - Eyes, Neck, Throat, Groin, and Ankle
In video #2 you'll discover:
  • The #1 mistake everyone makes when training to attack the eye
  •  The grim lesson you must learn from strangling victims about how to actually injure an attacker's eye
  •  Why most self-defense training teaches you to miss your target and what to do instead
  •  What is meant by "the step is the strike" and why you need to tattoo this on your brain
  •  How to injure your attacker's eyes and get a knockout at the same time
  •  The 3 goals of throat strikes (WARNING: These can ALL be Lethal)
  •  How to strike from any angle with a force equal to or greater than your full bodyweight
  •  8 lethal neck strikes… 2 different striking surfaces you can use… And how to use each against an attacker in any position
  •  The unusual reason we don't teach hand strikes (It's not just to protect your hands)
  •  The secret to always being on target when you strike
  •  The 2 results you want from a groin strike… Almost everyone teaches this wrong. And why gender makes zero difference
  •  Why you think of "cleaning off your cleats" and "kicking the stump" when striking the groin…
  •  5 ways to strike the groin and when to use each…
  •  Why you never want to worry about hitting hard… And what 2 things you should focus on instead to cause debilitating injury
  •  The exact 1 square inch target area on the ankle that will put ANY attacker on the deck instantly with a crippling injury
  •  The secret of "crossing the 'T'" with your skeletons that is critical to causing injury
  •  One safety precaution you must take when training to strike the ankle
Training Session #3: Free Practice
Free practice is critical - in this video you'll learn:
  • 7 things you already know how to do that will cause debilitating, non-functional injury
  • 3 things you should focus on to get an injury that will take your attacker to non-functional (Not one of these is any kind of fancy technique)
  • How to determine when you should turn your back and "get the hell out of there"  
  •  How one of our Master Instructor's training has changed as he has aged! (Critical to remaining injury-free as you get older.)
  •  How to find the solar plexus every time… no matter whether your attacker is standing or on the ground
  •  How to spear the solar plexus with your skeleton for maximum injury
  •  How even the smallest 105-pound-woman can wreck a 240-pound-man
  •  The ONLY time you should attack the knee
  •  How striking the knee from an unusual direction actually causes two injuries with one strike
  •  The weakest spot on the human torso - and how to attack it for maximum injury
  •  My BIG WARNING about the "when" and "where" of violent attacks! (Ignore this at your own peril!)
  •  The 3 keys to causing real injury with a body strike… (If even one of these is missing, you might as well just slap him. It'll have about the same poor result
    Training Session #4: Fine-Tuning Free Practice
    • How to instantly increase the force behind your strikes by 350%
    •  How 4 simple steps and the "Magic Red "X" automatically put max power into your strikes to cause devastating injury 
    •  How to injure an attacker by using his own bodyweight against him 
    •  How to lose your fear of weapons - specifically your fear of weapons being used on you 
    •  Why "maximize the physics, minimize the physiology!" empowers a small woman to take out a monster-sized street thug 
    •  How to immediately change everything in your favor in a violent situation! (This never fails and should be your #1 objective.) 
    •  2 factors of biological fear that cannot be controlled… How they force you to perform worse… And how to train to eliminate this problem 
    •  The concept of "Deep Practice" and why it's misunderstood by almost everyone… And how to instantly correct yourself when training using 3 guiding principles 
    •  How to bypass psychological panic to avoid the "freezing response" when confronted! 
    •  The #1 thing people who have been trained in TFT-and had to use it in real life-say happened that allowed them to use it successfully 
      Training Session #5: Knife, Baton, & Firearms
      In this video lesson you learn:
      •  The subtle mindset shifts you must make to understand the proper use of any weapon
      •  The only 2 correct ways to hold a knife… And the 2 most effective ways to stab based on FBI data Video proof "knife defense" doesn't work against asocial attacks
      • The subtle mindset shifts you must make to understand the proper use of any weapon
      •  The only 2 correct ways to hold a knife… And the 2 most effective ways to stab based on FBI data Video proof "knife defense" doesn't work against asocial attacks
      •  Two examples that make it glaringly clear what effective knife work is about… WARNING: One example is extremely graphic, but the one where the guy actually dies looks like a flesh wound
      •  The only 2 baton strikes you need to be effective… And simple analogies that make these automatic and unforgettable
      •  Why you never use your hands as the driving force of a baton strike… and… "what" you should use instead
      •  The reason you never force a weapon into free-fighting practice
      •  The 2 physical principles that must be present at the same time to end a firearm confrontation…
      •  Why you must never focus-or grab onto-a weapon… any weapon! (This is even more important when facing a firearm.)
      •  The #1 mistake almost everyone-trained or not-makes when a gun is involved!
      •  The ONLY additional step you need to adapt to an attacker with a gun (This is crucial to keep from getting shot)
      •  How to defeat a gun attack from the front and the back using only 1 technique
      •  The main idea you have to always, always keep in the forefront of your mind when there's a gun pointed at you
        Training Session #6: Multi-man & Grappling
        In video #6 you'll train for multiple attackers… Inside you'll learn:
        •  The #1 physical (and also mental) trait you need to develop when facing more than 1 attacker
        •  How to move your body so you hit one attacker harder while making it harder for the other attackers to hit you… And how to strike and "figure-8 scan" for other threats at the same time
        • Whether or not you should focus on one attacker or all attackers… the answer will surprise you
        •  The 3 main "rules" of multi-man attacks… Why you never "man-handle" people… And the correct way to force them where you want them
        •  How to-and when it is appropriate-to escalate into full-speed training!
        •  One hardwired reaction all humans have that is the absolute worst thing you can do when attacked by multiple opponents
        •  How to relax and cause an instant injury to an attacker if they grab you! (This works from the front or the back… it makes no difference.)
        •  The easy way to cause instant injury while you are in a headlock! (Front or side headlock, it doesn't matter, because this is position independent.)
        •  How to attack and injure while being bear hugged (from the front and the back)!
        •  A "unique-to-women" attack and how to get out of it! (This has nothing to do with size or strength)
        •  A startling statistic that reveals how many people die a day from getting punched and hitting their head on the ground!
        •  The only three, 100% legally-safe approaches-if you have a choice-to ending confrontations!
        •  How your TFT instruction can actually save you from facing serious, permanently life-changing (for the worse) criminal charges!
        •  The major takeaway you should get from TFT! (It's nothing physical.)
        • The #1 physical (and also mental) trait you need to develop when facing more than 1 attacker
        •  How to move your body so you hit one attacker harder while making it harder for the other attackers to hit you… And how to strike and "figure-8 scan" for other threats at the same time
        •  Whether or not you should focus on one attacker or all attackers… the answer will surprise you
        •  The 3 main "rules" of multi-man attacks… Why you never "man-handle" people… And the correct way to force them where you want them
        •  How to-and when it is appropriate-to escalate into full-speed training!
        •  One hardwired reaction all humans have that is the absolute worst thing you can do when attacked by multiple opponents
        •  How to relax and cause an instant injury to an attacker if they grab you! (This works from the front or the back… it makes no difference.)
        •  The easy way to cause instant injury while you are in a headlock! (Front or side headlock, it doesn't matter, because this is position independent.)
        •  How to attack and injure while being bear hugged (from the front and the back)!
        •  A "unique-to-women" attack and how to get out of it! (This has nothing to do with size or strength)
        •  A startling statistic that reveals how many people die a day from getting punched and hitting their head on the ground!
        •  The only three, 100% legally-safe approaches-if you have a choice-to ending confrontations!
        •  How your TFT instruction can actually save you from facing serious, permanently life-changing (for the worse) criminal charges!
        •  The major takeaway you should get from TFT! (It's nothing physical.)
        In the second half of The Foundation Series, we take you into the quiet of our Las Vegas training studio for "Detailed Instruction."

        Here the instructors talk directly to you, as each instructional section of the live class is expanded upon in greater detail.
        You'll see slow motion breakdowns from multiple angles… Subtle points, expanded descriptions, and more packed into 6 deep-dive training videos.
        • Detailed Target Assembly
        •  Free Practice & Reactions
        •  Additional Target Assembly
        •  Striking with Body Weight
        •  Knife, Baton, & Firearms
        •  Multiman & Grappling 
        There has never been time to present this information to a live class because it would require 2 additional days of training.

        But in these 6 videos we're finally able to do what we've never been able to do in a live class

        For the first time ever, you're right here with participants in class one minute... then able to watch a more detailed explanation of something that maybe wasn't quite clear for you during the classroom instruction.

        The Foundation Series has retailed for years for $597… But it's included in the All Access Virtual Training Center…

        And that's not all… Inside you'll find:
          TFT Survival Pack 1 & 2 ($394 value)
          The TFT Survival Packs are perfect for when you feel the need to get up to speed on survival violence as fast as humanly possible.
          In one evening viewing you can become effective in using the tool of violence to save your life or the life of a loved one.

          Here's what you'll find inside…
            Defining Violence (Part 1 & 2)
            • How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
            •  The #1 secret for survival nobody will talk about… and why it's the ONLY thing that tips the scales in your favor during a violent attack.
            •  The mindset you must adopt to have any chance against armed attackers. 
            •  73 weak areas of the body you can exploit to your ultimate advantage. 
            •  How changing a strike by a mere two inches can have devastating effect on your attacker. 
            •  How to deeply embed these skills into your nervous system to put your life-saving reactions on auto-pilot. You'll do what's needed automatically, even if you haven't practiced for months or years). 
            •  Why most "fancy" moves and "fighting techniques" are completely useless in a real-world fight. 
            •  How to WIN against bigger, armed attackers when your life is on the line. 
            •  And more… 
            Targeting for Injury Part 1
            • 5 easy-to-injure body targets for inflicting maximum damage with the least effort (PLUS: how to easily "break" those targets without using strength or agility) 
            •  The best way to practice so you "deep-encode" these skills into your nervous system. (Very little practice is required to be effective against even the most aggressive attackers. And when you practice this special way - you can be confident you'll be locked-and-loaded whenever the time comes) 
            •  Why training "fast" or at full speed is the worst thing you can do. (I'll show you how to quickly learn these skills and safely practice these crippling attacks with anyone, at any time) 
            •  The number one mistake people make when attacking the eyes. 
            •  The area of your body known as the "lead pipe" and how to use it to drop a bigger man in seconds.
            •  The part of your body you should never use in a fight. 
            •  Two unusual and easy-to-damage targets that will cripple your attacker and leave him helpless on the ground. 
            •  How a small person can make a bigger guy fly backward with minimal effort. 
            •  Simple moves that anyone can do to cause debilitating injury. 
            •  Ankle break techniques that require almost no effort to disable your attacker and make your escape. 
            •  How to use the body's natural "spinal reflex" to turn the biggest bully into a helpless school girl begging for your mercy. 
            •  How to "strike" with maximum force. (Hint: doesn't require strength and is NOT about using your muscles!) 
            •  The easiest way to knock a man unconsciousness. 
            •  The perfect way to train to create long lasting muscle memory. This is the trick to learning skills that will stay with you for a lifetime. 
            •  And much more… 
            Targeting for Injury Part 2: Going to Non-Functional
            • The key to rapidly taking a violent attacker to non-functional in just seconds.
            •  How to be the one who walks away, home safe to your family - without having to go to the hospital.
            •  The primary postures you will see in almost every violent situation and how to use them to your advantage (These tips will help keep you safe).
            •  Why practicing when you are completely tired can be a huge advantage. 
            •  And more...
            Striking Series - $197 Retail:
            The goal of this training program is to educate you in striking to cause injury.

            If you have no experience whatsoever, it will give you the fundamental tools required to use your body as an impact weapon.

            Either way, our goal is to give you the tools that allow you to come out the other side of a violent situation alive and well.
            Here's what is included in this training series:
            • How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
            •  Striking Series 1: Principles
            •  Striking Series 2: Injury, Penetration, Rotation 
            •  Striking Series 3: Techniques Part 1 
            •  Striking Series 4: Techniques Part 2 
            •  Striking Series Manual 
            Revealed in the Striking Series:
            • The 7 immutable LAWS of Striking.
            •  2 tactics that let you flatten any attacker by completely overwhelming his body's auto-balancing mechanism. 
            •  Multi-Strikes: making it seem like there's 2 or 3 of you coming at him at once! But beware… leave out this one critical element and any multi-strike becomes absolutely WORTHLESS! 
            •  How to knock ANYONE down… with ONE single Strike… to ANY target! Seems impossible, and it is, until you have this simple key. 
            •  The SPECIFIC type of injury every strike MUST generate to be maximally effective! 
            •  3 critical elements that make up the "Most Basic Strike"  
            •  Why throwing your bodyweight into the man is only 1/2 of the Striking power equation… The other half (that most leave out) doubles the impact… almost with no effort at all! 
            •  When to use a "Snapping" punch; when to "Plow" right on through. Get his wrong against some brutal thug… and you may not walk away. 
            •  3 cardinal rules to guarantee your body doesn't buckle from the force of your strike. Ignore any one and suffer a huge loss of power.  
            •  The ONE SECRET that guarantees you Strike with maximum force, every single time! 
            •  The 1 thing you must always do when Striking to counter the fact the human body "reflexively" jerks away from injury! 
            •  3 things you can do to deny him control over his own body as well as predict what he will do next. 
            •  Speed vs Structure: you can't have them both, so which will you choose? (Hint: one's right 99% of the time). 
            •  The 3 (and only 3) times when you DON'T want to step into your target to generate injury. 
            •  Rhythm in violence? You bet! The 2 surprising benefits you instantly get when adding it to a Strike. 
            •  Eliminating the potential for self-injury (how to stop doing the wrong stuff you probably learned as a kid). 
            •  How to dramatically increase your striking power to deliver 3 1/2 times your bodyweight in striking power. 
            •  The 2 huge benefits penetration gives you ("keeping your distance" only seems like the safe place to be). 
            •  And much, MUCH more…
            Every day The Striking Series sells for $197… Yet once again - this is included in the All Access Virtual Training Center…
            Bringing the total value members receive up to $1,188…

            But we're still not done because inside the Virtual Training Center you'll find…
              The Throwing Series ($197)
              The Art of Head Trauma: Dumps, Drops, and Throws
              Weapons may be the most feared aspect of a life-or-death confrontation…
              But NOTHING ends one faster (or more dramatically) than a well-executed throw…
              Here's what you'll learn in this video series:
              • How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
              •  A fool-proof weapon system that's always at your disposal...Always "On", and with you...Everywhere you go!
              •  1 set of rules that applies to the simplest takedown to the most complex example of "free flying lessons" 
              •  Why your size and weight don't matter… Because you already have exactly what you need to turn your body into a 'Battering Ram' and execute a devastating throw 
              •  How the secret of Belt Buckles and Feet is key to sending an attacker crashing into the earth 
              •  How to introduce your attacker to a whole new "suite of injuries" without changing the mechanics of a simple hip throw! 
              That's one more $197 training bundle All Access members will find in the member's area… Bringing the total retail value up to $1,385…
              And there's still more for charter members who also receive… 
                Lethal Leverage ($197)
                The Lethal Leverage training series distills the overly complex world of joint breaking down to a few easy principles and applications.
                This program proves it doesn't take skill to break an attacker's joint. Anyone CAN do it… regardless of your background or skill level.
                All you need are the insights inside - like:
                • How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
                •  The ONE and only way to break a joint… And the 6 methods to get there. 
                •  How to dismember any joint or gain instant compliance without the 1,000's of technique you've been led to believe you need 
                •  Why you must remove flexibility from the joint manipulation 'equation.' (Screw this one up and you virtually guarantee your attempts will fail) 
                •  Why a perfectly executed joint break… amazingly… looks like a "punch into thin air!" 
                •  The Three Degrees of Freedom: your private roadmap to executing any joint break or joint manipulation 
                •  How to bring your body's natural mechanical advantage into play and make joint manipulation 100 times easier. (Surprisingly, everyone keeps ignoring this!) 
                •  The astonishing reason why STRIKING is directly related to the ripping and tearing of joints… and why a 'perfect' striking motion results in a perfect joint break!!
                You'll learn more about joint breaking in a matter of days with this program than many learn in years of specialty martial arts.
                Combined together with the other programs, this creates one of the most comprehensive studies on the tool of violence… Some of my most powerful training programs - with a combined retail value of $1,582…

                All of which are included in the All Access Virtual Training Center.

                And we're far from done with the powerful content you'll find inside…
                Next up is…
                  Accelerated Destruction ($197)
                  "Accelerated Destruction" is the 'Rosetta stone' of personal protection…
                  A system that unlocks two critical advantages that could mean the difference between life-or-death in a survival situation:
                  ONE - It reduces your exposure to injury during violence (The faster you take the other guy down, the safer you are. More on this in a moment)

                  TWO - It allows you to easily mold TFT's 1-of-a-kind personal-protection system to perfectly fit YOUR specific physical attributes, abilities & restrictions…

                  In other words, you can quickly adapt the moves to fit your body like a hand effortlessly slipping into a butter-soft glove…

                  For the first time you're able to construct your own system of destruction…

                  Customized to the abilities and limitation inherent in your own body structure… By seamlessly integrating the principles shown in the new Accelerated Destruction training series…

                  Accelerated Destruction training series is far from a rehash of TFT principles… This is a complete roadmap to increase your efficiency and coordination so that you accomplish more destruction with less effort in a shorter period of time.
                  The video topics include advance sequences about:
                  • How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
                  •  The three simple 'checks' that tell you immediately if you're NOT doing efficient work... and how to instantly 'course correct' should even one be missing.
                  •  The ONE reason TFT works for everyone regardless of the situation (even if you're someone who struggles with efficiency)! 
                  •  The base movement concept involved in executing a Strike-Break-Throw. It sounds complicated but then you watch it demonstrated on module 4 you'll realize, "I can do that; geez, anyone can do it!" 
                  •  The amazingly simple action (so many people find difficult to perform) that must always remain in place for any Strike-Break-Throw to work. (Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with injury. It's far more fundamental than that.) 
                  •  How to clamp and attach yourself to an assailant to accentuate & accelerate injury. 
                  •  The surprising reason coordination set practice makes you better by slowing you down. (It's got nothing to do with accuracy or even locking in muscle memory. Those all occur but this ONE reason is unique to coordination sets and TFT practice!) 
                  •  Cheating: why this foundational secret lets you walk away the winner from a violent conflict. (As a kid Mom taught you cheating was wrong. But as explained on video #2... here's one time even Mom got it wrong.) 
                  •  Why the often-misunderstood concept of "anything worth doing is worth doing poorly" is the key to step-function breakthroughs in both your coordination & efficiency. (And, surprisingly, how this translates directly into massive improvements in your ability to stop any predator... dead in his tracks).
                  •  We often state, "Effectiveness is perfect; it can't be improved upon." Yet, begin focusing on efficiency... and suddenly what you become effective at, INCREASES? It's true. The answer why will surprise you. 
                  •  Most self-defense systems teach 'muscling' a throw (which is why it often fails, and most everyone believes it won't ever work during the chaos of violence). Yet, set it up like we show you... and even your grandmother can throw him from here! 
                  •  The surprising reason EVERY throw can be (and is) defined as a 'trip' or a 'slip'. (Focusing on the "flying through the air" part only makes it far more difficult to execute.) 
                  •  TFT "coordination sets": Are they memorized techniques for countering violent situations on the street -OR- movement plans that force you to do what your body would not otherwise, thus expanding your skill set and improving efficiency? (Why everyone gets this wrong even when they know the answer.)
                  Accelerated Destruction takes everything you've learned so far and speeds it up, so you achieve a result even faster!
                  Are you starting to see how powerful the training inside the All Access Virtual Training Center is? 

                  That's over $1,779 in training… And we're just getting started.
                    Defeating Weapon Attacks ($197)
                    Nobody wants to fight someone who has a weapon… but with what you'll learn in this training package - you'll be equipped to win even when the other person has a weapon…
                    And you don't…
                    The 3 concepts That make Defeating Weapon Attacks Possible are:
                    1) Universality of Training: Whether you're dealing with a knife, baton, or gun the unifying principle = INJURY. No need to sort through a mental catalogue of knife defenses, stick-fighting techniques or gun disarms. Now you only need to know one thing - how to cause an injury in your attacker
                    2) Matching Training to Your Skill Level: Use our 27 "coordination set" lessons to progress from foundation to expert level execution. You'll get tactics you can use immediately…as well as a roadmap for future training

                    3) The Introduction of 'Moving Targets': Get the upper-hand on your attacker even if he's taking a swing at you. Injure a moving man, take his balance, and cause further injury.
                    In Defeating Weapons Attacks you'll learn why vectors achieve the best results when dealing with a moving target. And how to use vectors to defeat any weapon:
                    You'll also receive the Supplemental Weapons Manual…
                    And the Slow Training Whitepaper...
                    Written by Geoff Desmouling, science & engineering advisor for Spike TV's award-winning "Deadliest Warrior" series. Jeff reveals the scientific proof validating TFT's 'slow training' concepts.
                    He will also show you how to determine exactly HOW 'slow' your individual training rate MUST be to maximize your learning!
                    You'll also receive 2 BONUS videos: 
                    Video Update #1
                    Video Update #2 (Firearms in Free Practice)
                      Justified Lethal Force ($197)
                      • Law Enforcement Intro
                      •  Impact Weapons 
                      •  Understanding Lethal Force 
                      Revealed in Justified Lethal Force Training Series:
                      • Why the Federal Law Enforcement "Force Continuum," the document designed to keep these officers safe under a variety of difficult situations, actually FAILED them! And how you can use this knowledge to save your life in the midst of true life-or-death violence. 
                      •  The REAL reason violence is neither good nor bad… and why understanding this gives you a huge leg up against some thug intent on harming you! 
                      •  The surprising reason PAIN is almost useless as a predictor of who walks away from a life-or-death confrontation. And it's the very reason why Target Focus Training is totally focused on causing something far more debilitating. 
                      •  The absolute BEST target you can possibly strike. The answer's gonna shock you… and… open up the secret to complete and total domination of your attacker. 
                      •  Cheating at the Duel: it's a concept you've never heard explained before… and it's the real reason TFT is able to so easily defeat criminal scum. 
                      •  Why modeling your reactions after those of a convict or a barbarian GUARANTEES you'll be the one walking away alive. It might make you squeamish… but it works… for anyone! 
                      •  Here's 1 fact even the "experts" get wrong: the human body can take one hell of a lot of trauma and keep right on functioning during a lethal struggle. But there's one thing the body can NOT take… and it's the one thing Target Focus Training uniquely focuses on. And why you so quickly become effective regardless of the situation or your physical abilities! 
                      •  The 2 keys to surviving violence. Use them… and you live. But if he claims them first, you die. It really is this simple! 
                      •  The secret of learning to "feel" an attack. Unlike the movies or sport competition or martial arts where everything to worry about is conveniently in front of you, you'll likely never see real violence coming. You'll hear this discussed right up front on video #1. 
                      •  The unique TFT Visual Feedback Loop: How it constantly lets you know if what you're doing is working. And if not, how to instantly turn things in your favor. 
                      •  How to instantly choose the right "body tool" for the situation you find yourself in. Some stuff supposed gurus teach is downright stupid (like head butts: why would you risk damaging your most valuable "weapon"… when there's a much better sequence to choose from). 
                      •  Learn the REAL reason combat sports and martial arts don't work in street violence. 
                      •  The huge takeaway for these Federal Agents… and for you: ignore the tool of violence, and all you're left with against some asocial criminal are mere social tools. And that's like taking on a sub-machine gun with little more than a toy pistol! 
                      •  The surprising secret nobody understands: why causing injury helps keep you from needing to kill. It opened wide the eyes of these Agents… and especially their top brass. 
                      •  The 1 thing you WON'T find at the beginning of these videos that you find at the start of every other self-defense series. Others think it's where you begin. Yet in the heat of battle… it's the last thing you'd ever need to worry about. 
                      •  In class, when you see someone 'going really fast' or 'talking a lot' it means just 1 thing. And it's that 1 thing that's guaranteed to get them killed when your life is on the line. That's the reason we constantly slow everyone down and allow no talking. 
                      •  Target Focus Training is based solely on Principles that work in all situations. Now for the first time, in one place: all the TFT PRINCIPLES are laid out side by side, right there in the review at the start of day 2! Each easily picked up, followed, and clearly understood… like breadcrumbs along a trail. 
                      •  How to simply dispose of someone going for your gun (or anything you might be carrying). "Lose your gun in a struggle and you've lost everything!" these Agents are told. But it's completely WRONG! Fighting over a weapon leads to disaster. And for no reason whatsoever. Because there's a simple way you're going to show this a-hole why he just made a fatal mistake! 
                      •  Discover the irrefutable mechanics of all violent situations. And how you can take advantage of these mechanics of the human body to disable or even kill a violent criminal. With this knowledge, you'll know exactly how to survive any situation regardless of the variables present! 
                      •  Instill the opportunistic mindset so you always know which protective actions to take. Because violence is random it's impossible to train for an infinite number of possible encounters. Instead, you'll spontaneously take appropriate action without hesitation, regardless of that infinite array of variables. 
                      •  Learn when to use the tool of violence by applying TFT's own version of the "force continuum." There's no overreacting, no unnecessary crippling injury or death. Learning this cutting-edge information showed these Federal Agents how to stay out of a legal quagmire… just as it will you! 
                      •  Discover THE most effective distance for disabling any violent criminal. Your gut instinct and many self-proclaimed experts have this critical principle completely wrong. And it's the reason good people get killed! 
                      •  Learn how to leave a violent criminal in a "non-functional" state. When dealing with multiple attackers (today's most common situation) you can't be knocking down the same person over and over. 
                      •  With Target Focus Training months & years of memorization is a thing of the past. It's the difference between a "technique based" self-defense course and a "principle based" system. The principle-based TFT system allows you to spontaneously adapt to any violent encounter regardless of the variables of the particular situation. 
                      •  Harness the most important 3 elements of successfully delivering devastating trauma. You'll masterfully inflict brutal destruction upon the most violent of sociopathic criminals… regardless of your size… or theirs! 
                      •  Learn to take control of this 1 physiological phenomenon, consistent in every human body, and you develop precise, methodical and masterful control over any violent criminal! 
                      •  Switch off a violent criminal's conscious control of his body and control him like a puppet… even if he's 3 times your size and strength and coming off a drug-induced high. It's easy once you see how! 
                      •  Discover why training for the "worst-case-scenario" is the critical ingredient in destroying the "brain-disconnect" phenomenon. Thinking you can ramp it up as needed is guaranteed disaster. It never happens. 
                      •  Learn the life-saving difference between punching, kicking and actual body traumatizing striking-dynamics. The last thing you want is to cause just enough pain to piss off a violent criminal! 
                      •  How to download directly into your brain the 1 single concept that has you seeing a violent criminal through the eyes of a devastatingly effective combat fighting machine! Suddenly… he's nothing but prey! 
                      •  And much, MUCH more! 
                      The individual training programs inside the All Access Virtual Training Center are the fastest path to fearless confidence in the face of unexpected violence…
                      They have a combined total retail value of $2,173… and have sold for those prices for years…
                      Combined together they provide a PhD level of sophistication in the application of violence…
                      And here's what a few students of the system
                      have to say about it:
                      "As President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, I've seen and tested perhaps hundreds of various martial arts and self defense programs. .."
                      "Tim's 'Target Focus Training' is by far one of the most devastating self protection systems I've trained in throughout nearly 30 years of combatives training.

                      What I particularly found amazing was the ability to almost instantly 'infuse' these powerful tactics into the body's mind-muscle connection.
                      The result is a natural 'flow' to the movements that waste no time in taking out any attacker in mere seconds while instilling bullet-proof confidence that if YOU are the only thing standing between a violent criminal and your family hiding behind you…you'll know EXACTLY what to do to destroy the threat and walk away safe!"
                      Jeff Anderson
                      President, Intl. Society of Close Quarter Combatants
                      "Intense, effective, highly recommended. An incredible experience."
                      "Larkin and his instructors are the absolute best in their field. Everyone else is four steps behind. What I liked was the intensity, the lack of unnecessary info, jargon and fluff. A complete focus on the fundamentals, the total concentration on results. With this system:
                      1) You will learn what Larkin says you will learn, and
                      2) The course is exactly as advertised -- intense, targeted, focused training designed to produce immediate results."
                      Mark D. Fabiani, Crisis Mgt Consultant, La Jolla, CA
                      "Finally I have learned something that applies to real life situations! "
                      "The TFT camp exceeded my expectations from the material taught and it's application in real life to the superior teaching method applied."
                      Steven LaMania, Bradenton, FL
                      "Surpassed any expectations that I could have imagined"
                      "At last someone tells the truth! Everything was broken down to the simplest of terms and nothing was kept secret from anyone. Well Done!"
                      William Allen, Mapleton, ME
                      "Being a police officer I thought that my gun was the most lethal weapon..."
                      "I now know that my brain is the most lethal weapon and I no longer will fear over getting into a situation where I can't get to my weapon or whether someone attempts to take my weapon. Excellent!"
                      Aaron Gardiner, Sheriff Deputy, Houston, TX
                      In the past students have paid $2,173 to access all of the information contained in the All Access Virtual Training Center… 
                      And considering its life-saving potential…
                      That's a bargain…

                      Yet I wanted to make this available to anyone who needs access - so I decided to make it much more affordable…

                      And when I asked around to see what others think is a fair price for the ability to access all $2,173 in training…

                      People kept coming back to me saying this was a steal at anything less than $1,000 bucks…

                      In fact - the lowest price I've ever charged for access to this training material is $2,173…

                      Yet you won't pay anywhere near that amount today…

                      Not even close…

                      Even though that's not ALL you're getting as an All Access charter member...
                      Get Instant Access Today:
                      Step 1: Contact
                      Step 2: Shipping Address
                      Step 3: Payment Information
                      Credit Card Number:
                      CVC Code:
                      Expiry Month:
                      Expiry Year:
                      Just When You thought It Couldn't Get ANY Better…
                      You might feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information inside the All Access member's area…
                      So, I wanted to make sure that you had a clear path to success… in the most accessible forms available…

                      So that you can get this information inside your head where it might save your life one day…

                      That's why I decided to include the following value-added bonuses when you join me inside the All Access Virtual Training Center today…

                      For FREE.
                      Let's take a look at what you get at no additional charge when you join me in the member's area:
                      Some people feel overwhelmed when they see the sheer volume of training material available…
                      That's why I'm included an 18-month guided training program that walks you from the most basic training protocols and concepts…

                      To the most advanced methods available…

                      These lessons will arrive in your inbox every week for 18 months - each one containing a specific homework assignment that will take only a few minutes a week…

                      Think of it as a master's degree in violence.
                      The 18 Month Core &
                      Advanced Guided Training Series ($697 value) 
                      I will guide you to mastery in each of the following areas:
                      • Getting a Grip on the Tool of Violence
                      •  Striking 
                      •  Edged & Impact Tools 
                      •  Joint Breaking Series I - Base Leverages 1 & 5 
                      •  Throwing Series I - Knockdown 
                      •  Firearms 
                      •  Joint Breaking Series II - Spine & Neck 
                      •  Throwing Series II - Drop Shows 
                      •  Joint Breaking Series III - Shoulder Dislocations 
                      •  Throw Series III - Leg Sweeps 
                      •  Throwing Series IV - Hip Throws 
                      •  Joint Breaking Series IV - Base Leverages 3&4 
                      •  Joint Break Throws 
                      •  Throwing Series V - Shoulder Throws
                      And all the supporting material you need to achieve mastery of the tool of violence…
                      Also included for FREE in this valuable charter member bonus pack is…
                      Extreme Close Quarter Combat Shooting ($297 value)
                      In this landmark series, Australian SAS teach you lessons bought with blood on the field of battle…

                      Each training video builds on the one before starting with video #1:
                      Introduction & Targeting
                      Here you will discover:
                      • BS detector alert: why scenario based training does not work in the streets for civilians (and why martial arts training can get you hurt, maimed, or killed against a violent aggressor)
                      •  Creating your Personalized Kinetic Trigger (the MOST valuable skill set you need to develop to defend yourself when attacked) 
                      •  Instant mastery of the 3 strike tornado that quickly cripples the biggest and best of adversaries 
                      •  WARNING: If the thought of crushing the cartilage and swelling their windpipe sounds scary to you… this may not be for you (but, if you and your family's safety is more important than your squeamishness, then this series is EXACTLY what you need!) 
                      •  Building your own massive chaos movement that traumatizes the most violent of offenders and puts YOU in control of the situation quickly. 
                      •  2 simple moves that are guaranteed to make them puke every time (and a puking perp is a non-dangerous perp) 
                      •  Get your Rapid PHD in the physics, physiology, and movements that create massive internal trauma to your adversary 
                      •  The amazing 1" target that ends the battle every single time 
                      •  3 startling things that are far more effective than speed (and why speed often works against you) 
                      •  Thinking like a criminal so you can beat them at their own game (faster than they can beat you) 
                      •  Evil ends here. How to forever stop fearing evil (it's everywhere…but you can't let your fear run your life. End it NOW with this technique) 
                      •  Why Alpha males often end up deader than a doornail 
                      •  Locking in your 3' radius: owning it…and breaking anything (and anyone) that enters it 
                      •  When you can't shut off the fear, here's how to turn fear into an asset that your adversary never saw coming 
                      •  Ego killers 101. Ego gets you killed. A subdued ego can help you kill those trying to hurt YOU 
                      •  Trained in martial arts? Sorry to hear that! Most standard martial arts training WILL FAIL YOU… unless you leverage the most brutal of training with these attack trends that are out there right now 
                      •  Brutal truths on why close contact combat is the most common (and worst) place to be caught in 
                      •  How your kinetic trigger helps you make ANYTHING a weapon when you need it
                      ICC Principles
                      In this training event you will learn:
                      • Most violent offenders have no real clue on how to use guns (and why this works to your advantage with this Close Combat Shooting training)
                      • Most violent offenders have no real clue on how to use guns (and why this works to your advantage with this Close Combat Shooting training)
                      •  Gun Dogs: who they are and why they're your friend (not foe) 
                      •  From hand-to-hand combat with highly trained killers in Afghanistan to domestic protection and bodyguard work (your trainers in this program don't talk from theory, they have killed to protect - the kind of trainers you WANT). 
                      •  5 Principles of Close Combat Work (if something isn't working, it's 2 of these 5 you are messing up) 
                      •  Principle #1 (of the 5 ICCC Principles) is of critical importance, yet 99% of the general population SUCKS at it! 
                      •  Mastering the Mental Mindset of a Violent Attacker. Here's what separates those who end up hurt, or dead, from those whose family and friends remain safe and sound. 
                      •  Guns, pens, and water bottles. Which ones are weapons at the ready, and what to think about every single object you see in front of you right now (quick - look around - how many weapons do you see in front of you? I'll bet there's dozens of them - and we'll show YOU how to see them too). 
                      •  Why YOU are the weapon of choice when facing an armed attacker. 
                      •  No gun? No problem! What to do and how to think when a gun is pointed at you, and you have no weapons at your side. 
                      •  ONE THING your parents did to you as a youngster that GUARANTEES you won't abuse the knowledge in these videos. 
                      •  Victimless Violence Mindset: How to mentally prepare yourself to take control in a violent confrontation. 
                      •  Twisting around the victim mentality so you can maximize your speed and ability to control violent situations. 
                      •  The professional predator mindset. Why predators win, and how you can master their mindset to battle with the best of them. 
                      •  Eliminating thought delay forever (or die an early and brutal death). 
                      •  Close quarter battle posturing that instantly changes your mindset and makes YOU the one to be feared in an altercation. 
                      •  The simple 4" secret move that instantly prepares you to dominate a confrontation. 
                      •  Body blind spots: making them your friend and greatest ally when attacked. 
                      •  Straight line knife jabs that kill, dominate and put an end to danger. 
                      •  Injured? How to FORCE yourself to be a weapon when injury is unavoidable. 
                      •  How to break your opponents balance, and twist them in ways that disable the most determined of aggressors. 
                      •  How to turn and aggressor around and mentally make them take the defensive (hence putting YOU in charge of the situation instantly). 
                      •  Discovering the beauty of angles in a violent confrontation. 
                      •  Shell-shocked and dumbfounded… the simple 2 step move that forces the aggressor to mentally submit to you and puts you in full control of the situation. 
                      •  Looking beyond the face and seeing what/who and how dangerous of a person you are dealing with. 
                      •  Why another person's anger is a sign of fear - NOT aggression. How to turn around the most hopeless of situations with this knowledge. 
                      •  Gun preparation. The street-smart pros and cons of having a round in the chamber at all times. 
                      •  Predator positioning. What it is and how to wire it into your brain, permanently. 
                      •  How the heel of your foot can instantly improve the accuracy of your shooting. 
                      •  Eliminating bad habits with gun handling that get you killed. 
                      •  2 words that can lock you in predator mode and proper positioning for hand to hand combat. 
                      •  Let the bullets do the walking. How to properly approach your aggressor with gun in hand and bullets blazing (do this wrong and YOU will be the one dead - not them). 
                      •  How to consciously switch from social to lethal mode in the blink of an eye. 
                      •  Why your hips are NOT your friends (and what to do to lock them in the right position, for the right end result). 
                      •  Leveraging speed variation to eliminate their ability to judge your distance while they're shooting. 
                      •  Extending yourself to your full firing range with 2 simple steps. 
                      •  The machine gun theory of battle preparedness and shooting accuracy. 
                      •  ICC Principle #4 shows you the most powerful secret to being prepared no matter where you are, and what your surroundings are. (it's rather simple, but something no one does) 
                      •  Fists of fury. Why punching them can get you killed (with the exception of a single punch that always disables them). 
                      •  Using their skin as one of your greatest weapons. 
                      •  Head butting 101. Why North Americans are so oblivious to the blinding power of a simple head butt. 
                      •  Your personal battle space. Where it is, how to scope it, and how to arm yourself with all the bountiful tools any battle space can give you. 
                      •  Discover this one simple tool that blinds them and hurts them simultaneously (not mace or spray - those can work against you - we show you a live example of why sprays can do you more harm than good). 
                      •  2 easy things you can do with a basic pen that hurts them, AND buys you more time to hurt them AGAIN. 
                      •  Water bottle weaponry. Discover the simple mindset of finding weapons in the most unusual of places. 
                      •  The glance technique that instantly arms you when you are stuck without a weapon. 
                      •  How to leverage the battlespace mindset to prepare yourself for battle, and give yourself the tools you need to win the war. 
                      •  ICC Principle #5 shows you the most target rich and vulnerable part of the body (and how to control and dominate it with 2 simple moves) 
                      •  2 attackers? How to use attacker #1 to injure attacker #2 seamlessly. 
                      •  Swarming protection tactics from battle tested scenarios. 
                      •  One way to end a confrontation that most forget… most critical when you are in control of a situation. 
                      •  If they won't or don't submit to you… then you need to know the 2 things they have on you 
                      •  Police Pinned Down… you have one big advantage over the police in a violent attack… video 2 shows you what it is and how to use it as your killer advantage. 
                      Draw Sequence & Extreme Close Shooting
                      When it comes to extreme close quarters, nothing is more important than properly deploying your weapon… That's why this video training teaches you:
                      •  Frozen without options? Switch this on before making ANY move.
                      •  Pain Points 101: Focus in on these 2 areas when in hand-to-hand combat (or when in a close combat shooting situation) to end it quickly 
                      •  Shitty shot? Here's why you constantly shoot to the inside of your target (and the simple hand position adjustment that quickly makes you an accurate shooter) 
                      •  Dramatically slash your time to fire your weapon with this quick and easy draw technique. 
                      •  BIG MISTAKE: when practicing close combat shooting with a partner, NEVER do this one thing or you WILL end up dead in a real life situation (video 3 locks this lesson in and you'll never forget it) 
                      •  Paper pansies. Why target shooting at the range on paper targets can work against you. 
                      •  How to avoid your opponent grabbing your weapon and using it against you. 
                      •  Rapid-fire drills for kinetic trigger mastery. 
                      •  FREE Combat Lesson: You respond how you train (and when you train wrong, you'll end up as a corpse) 
                      •  Permanently WIRING the predator mindset into your brain (miss this and you are at a serious disadvantage in any altercation). 
                      •  Extreme close shooting: what to use when you have no time to draw your weapon. 
                      •  How the evolution theory works in your favor for mental preparedness. 
                      •  The little-known secret of close combat second hand control (how to raise your second, non-weapon, hand - how to use it as a simultaneous weapon - and why it's extremely effective in dangerous situations) 
                      •  To follow or not to follow an opponent that you've knocked off balance? 
                      •  Worst case scenario: what to do when no bullets him them, they're now pissed off, and you need to gain rapid control of the situation. 
                      •  "Second weapon" secrets of Special Forces Trained Killers. 
                      •  Firearms… friend or foe? Situations where firearms become your worst enemy. 
                      Example of Violence PLUS Weapon Failure
                      Nothing goes right on the battlefield… That's why we'll cover:
                      • 21 foot rule… myth or magic?
                      •  The Tueller Drill: you have 1.5 seconds from aggressor to death. How to control it and escape it. 
                      •  Quick… cover, angles, or obstacles. Which works best to slow down both single and multiple attackers? 
                      •  Why you NEVER want to rely on inflicting pain (and how it can get you killed if you do) 
                      •  How to maintain an asocial stance without the 'angry face' (and why this is a must-master) 
                      •  Real life killings review: what went wrong and how it could have been avoided (includes video analysis of both good guy AND bad guys getting killed) 
                      •  Advanced Avoidance: If you can avoid this, then do… but if you can't avoid it, then rapidly do this _______ 
                      •  Step one for disarming a drugged out dangerous attacker 
                      •  Stoppage drills and what to do when your weapon won't fire.
                      •  The Australian Rack Mastery. video 4 shows you what this is, how to become a pro at it, and why it's your best friend if your firearm ever fails you (there's only 6 special forces in the world who know this technique and know how to use it effectively… your turn is next!) 
                      The Extreme Close Quarter Combat Shooting ($297 value) is a one-of-a-kind training series that will take the average gun owner and equip them with the gun fighting skills of the very best.
                      All in that's over $1,136.97 in FREE bonuses… on top of the $1,976 in training you get as an All Access charter member for a total retail value of $3,112.97 in value.
                      Live Virtual Training Every Month
                      And the value doesn't stop there…

                      Every month, All Access members will have the opportunity to join me live in an online classroom environment...

                      In the virtual class I will teach a key concept or training technique and then take questions from you and other members...

                      All Access Virtual Training Center members will also be the first to receive ALL of my new training materials as they are released…

                      Without any additional charge…

                      That means you get everything I have ever released as part of your membership…

                      And EVERYTHING I will ever release in the future.

                      The Target Focus Training teaching methodology is constantly evolving.

                      My team of Master Instructor and I are always looking for the optimal ways to convey our information more effectively and efficiently...

                      And, as a charter member you will have access to every evolution and new teaching method at NO CHARGE!

                      Not only that…

                      I've reached out to a few of my friends and they've agreed to allow me to share their material right here in the VTC
                      Friends like former Delta Operator - "Name to be Revealed"...
                      I don't want to give too much away but I have big plans for future training with high level operators on every combat system…
                      Including brand new material on self-sufficiency and survival…

                      One final invaluable resource for charter members is the Target Focus Training Community…
                      Introducing the All Access Private Facebook Group
                      Need to find a training partner? Get training advice? Or would like to share your TFT journey?

                      As a VTC member you'll get Invite Only access to our private Facebook group. The TFT team will be checking in daily to make sure we give you as much support as possible.

                      And I will be in the group personally to answer questions and provide guidance.

                      The Facebook group will also be a great place for you to connect with other practitioners to get in some training sessions or discuss TFT material.

                      This is in response to our number one request - some way for TFT people to find a training partner...

                      Or some sort of support system… And we can't wait to see you inside.

                      Here's what a few more Target Focus Training students had to say (keep in mind most of them only received a fraction of the training you get as an All Access member):
                      "…VERY empowering…"
                      "I've trained martial arts 4-5 times a week for years and done a lot of tournament fighting.
                      What I like about TFT Striking that was so different is the shift in mindset. In martial arts it's all about points. When you put a punch, you stop and pull back. I became a typical headhunter, always hitting to the face as I've been taught as opposed to the groin or neck which could do so much more damage as I learned here.

                      All my years of training taught me never to hit first and once I do hit, to stop and defend myself, not to do damage. Now, coming here, I realize I could kill someone if that's what I need to defend myself. That's empowering!

                      I'm small and here I had to fight really big guys. When I applied the techniques of Striking I could easily take these guys down. It gives me a lot of confidence. I don't feel helpless. If I'm in a group of guys now and somebody tried to grab me I know I'm not going to get hurt because now my thinking is first, 'How am I going to hurt him?' It's a very good feeling, very empowering."
                      Kris de Jesus, Accountant Las Vegas, NV
                      Now, like I mentioned before… the cost of the training inside the member's area - NOT including the bonuses is $2,173…
                      The bonus pack alone has sold for $1,145.95…

                      For a combined total value of $3,318.95…

                      And when you consider the price of NOT becoming a member - that is an incredible value…
                      I mean - how much would you be willing to pay to save your own life - or the life of someone you love from a violent criminal?

                      Would it be worth the retail price of $3,318.95?

                      You bet it would.

                      But because it is my mission to prepare honest citizens to face down violent criminals… To keep you and your loved ones alive and well - even when faced with these murdering psychopaths…

                      I decided I had to offer you a much better price…

                      That's why I'm not going to charge the full retail price of $3,318.95… Or even the price my friends suggested of $1,000…

                      I'm not even going to charge HALF of that at $500… Or even half of that gain at $250…

                      Through this page ONLY - as my way of saying thanks for helping me realize my mission…

                      As a charter member of the All Access Virtual Training Center - you will instantly receive an upgrade to Platinum Member status which allows you to instantly access everything you have seen on this page…
                      For ONLY $67 Today!
                      That means you can instantly access all $3,318.95 of training the second you log into the members area…

                      You can watch whatever you like… Or follow the Core and Advanced training tracks you'll receive as a new member…

                      Then - if you love what you see inside and decide that you want to continue to proceed through the training… Do nothing and you will be able to continue to access everything for only $67 a month for as long as you choose to remain a member…

                      Even when I raise the price of membership in the future.

                      And I will be raising the price in the next few weeks…
                      PLEASE UNDERSTAND: The charter member price is only available for the next 4 days… Once the countdown on this page hits ZERO time is up and the ridiculously low price goes up for good.
                      But charter members will never be charged more even when I raise the price… You lock that deal in for life.
                      So go ahead and click that Join Now! Button below to instantly access the Virtual Training Center…
                      My Full No-BS CANCEL ANYTIME Guarantee
                      I've trained over 10,000 students in over 50 countries. I know the training and research you'll find in the VTC will not only benefit you, but your family also…
                      However, what's more important to me is that you get 10X the value you invest in the virtual training center…

                      After watching the first video I want you to have the feeling deep down in your gut… "If violence strikes I know how to handle myself."

                      And if you don't find my material valuable to you or your loved one...just send us an email with the subject line, "I want to cancel VTC", and you won't be charged another dime.

                      I know that means some people will take advantage of my generosity… They'll pay a measly $67 to access all $3,318.95 in training materials then immediately cancel…

                      But I'm willing to take that risk if it means keeping more honest citizens safe.

                      Besides, I believe most people are more loyal than that… So I accept the risk with my eyes wide open.
                      I Just Had to Out Do Myself… So, I'm Including This MEGA Bonus for the Next Four Days ONLY
                      Now I could easily say that's enough…
                      After all - I'm giving away access to $3,318.95 in training for only $67 today… BUT:
                      Because you've decided to join me as a charter member of the All Access Virtual Training Series I've decided to do something even better…

                      I was going to hold my latest, most cutting-edge material back… Making it the one thing that is NOT included in the member's area…

                      But when you decide to become a charter member… For the next 4 days ONLY…

                      You'll also have access to my most advanced training program ever - an additional $597 in training…

                      For FREE.

                      I'm talking about:
                      Blueprints of Destruction - How To Weaponize Your Human Machine ($597 value)
                      Here's what you'll discover inside…
                      Everything is a strike.
                      Striking, joint breaking, and throwing are all simply facets of the same idea-mass in motion used to do work on the human machine-and so can be seamlessly integrated with one another. 

                      Joint breaking and throwing are really just special cases of striking, and the principles and skills that drive basic striking still apply, leading to a principle-based simplification of so-called "advanced" techniques.

                      To that end, the bulk of the instruction will be through an assembly process-looking at each specific skill in isolation before showing how they are combined through coordination sets.

                      Coordination sets are grouped by Foundation, Challenge, and Expert levels; they are stacked from striking, to joint breaking, to throwing-so a basic striking sequence is shown, then with an added joint break, and then an added throw on top of that.

                      The material covered here assumes familiarity with both The Foundation Series (basic principles, how to free practice)…

                      Defeating Weapon Attacks (how to work with vectors)…

                      Or, at a minimum, the VTC Core Training Series (All of which are included in your Platinum All Access Membership).
                      You'll learn about the latest advances in:
                      • Striking
                      •  Joint Breaking 
                      •  Throwing 
                      •  Coordination Sets (Foundation) 
                      •  Coordination Sets (Challenge) 
                      •  Coordination Set (Expert) 
                      •  BONUS: Three Pillars Cliff Notes 
                      Together that's another $597 in additional training your FREE… Bringing the total value up to $3,915.95…
                      For only $67 today…
                      But this offer is only available for the next 4 days and only through this page…

                      So be sure to take advantage of this incredible offer by clicking the button to claim your Platinum All Access membership now:
                      Here's what a few students have to teach you about what you'll learn inside:
                      "…the very same information that is given to the experts is given to the ordinary person…" 
                      "This is a beautifully clear presentation of what has to be done to save your life in a desperate situation, given to people who may very well expect to face such situations and need the best training possible. That the very same information that is given to the experts, is given to the ordinary person, is very important."
                      Ken Bolland, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
                      "…the ONE I could not stop watching!" 
                      "I have every DVD series you put out but this was the ONE I could not stop watching. So inspiring that I want to sign up for a live session. The material was intense and well constructed. Great job!"
                      Rudy Martinez, Anaheim, CA
                      "…TFT is the best system for everyone…" 
                      "With 36 years in Martial Arts and being the training officer on non-lethal force I have found that TFT is the best system for everyone. Most systems need you to in top physical shape to make their system work. TFT will work for young and old men alike but best of all it can work for small women too. It brings officer safety to a new and higher level."
                      Stuart Howard, Millington, TN
                      Join the TFT Movement…
                      NOW: Remember…

                      When you become a Platinum member of the TFT All Access Virtual Training Center you're joining a movement…

                      A movement to make mothers, fathers, sons and daughters safe…

                      To make it dangerous for criminals everywhere to violate the rights of innocent people.

                      To put fear in the hearts of those who would do harm - and peace in the hearts of good people who refuse to be a victim.

                      That's what this is about…

                      It's the reason why I'm willing to hand over $3,915.95 in training materials for just $67 today…

                      And the reason I want you to be a part of what we are doing here.

                      Because together we can make the world a safer place for good people…

                      I know it's true because I get the emails from TFT students who have been attacked by evil… who overcame their attacker and went on to live life and pursue happiness free from fear.

                      And I want you to know that you can do the same thing if the worst ever happens.

                      That's why I'm not only offering such and incredibly accessible price to charter members…

                      I'm also including Blueprints of Destruction ($597 value) for FREE when you join within the next 4 days.

                      So go ahead and look below this sentence, find the orange "Join Now!" button below…
                      Put your mouse over it and click it to begin living with confidence in a dangerous world.
                      After you order you can select any upgrades you prefer to help you guarantee your success.
                      It's that easy...

                      Now remember - if you've been listening to "self-defense" gurus talk about using complex techniques to "defend yourself" then you are already at a major disadvantage over a criminal attacker.

                      Yet you can change that the instant that you put Target Focus Training to work in your life.
                      Just picture the moment that happens...

                      You walk the streets with confidence you can take care of yourself...

                      You're not looking for trouble but your alert and ready if it arrives…

                      You feel like you did when you were a kid and the world was safe...

                      And that can be your reality in the next 30 days if you click that button now...
                      Because before today you were a victim of the lies the "self-defense" industry tries to sell you.
                      Yet right now marks the moment when you became fully aware of the truth and what it really takes to prepare for criminal violence.

                      Now you are responsible for choosing what to do with this information.

                      You must either click the button or continue down the path you were on before...

                      If you are already fully prepared for criminal violence, then you are good to go…

                      Yet consider the following two stories:
                      Story #1
                      Imagine a young mother, she is in the kitchen area, and she's cleaning up...
                      She's getting ready to go to bed…

                      She put her infant son to bed...

                      Her husband is on a business trip, and all of a sudden…

                      Through the back door comes somebody crashing through, and a stalker has come in, and this is his chance to attack her.

                      He comes in, and grabs her at the kitchen counter, and an epic struggle happens.
                      He didn't expect her to fight back, but she's trying...

                      She's frantic. She knows her little boy is upstairs. She has no idea what this guy's here for, but she knows it's not anything good.

                      He gets very frustrated because it's not going the way he wants it to go.

                      She's trying to fight, but he's bigger, he's stronger, he's faster than her, but she's still going to try…

                      And in her attempts she ends up clawing him very deeply in the face, drawing blood.
                      It enrages him…

                      It enrages him to the point to where he sees, on the kitchen counter, a butcher's knife.
                      He grabs the butcher's knife…and…

                      Plunges it into the side of her neck, and murders her.
                      Story #2: (The Alternate Outcome) 
                      Door crashes open…
                      There she is…

                      He comes in, and grabs her at the kitchen counter, and an epic struggle happens.
                      He didn't expect her to fight back, but she's trying...

                      She's frantic. She knows her little boy is upstairs.

                      She has no idea what this guy's here for, but she knows it's not anything good.

                      He gets very frustrated because it's not going the way he wants it to go.

                      She's trying to fight, but he's bigger, he's stronger, he's faster than her, but she's still going to try…

                      She's fighting back. Again it's not going well for her...

                      He's too big, he's too strong, and he has too much of an advantage on her…

                      But now she looks back to the counter, and she sees the butcher's knife.

                      She grabs the knife, plunges it in the side of his neck and she kills him...
                      What's the common thread between the two scenarios?
                      In both scenarios, one party used The Tool of Violence to achieve their goal…
                      Let me be very a truly violent confrontation one party is 'doing' the violence and the other party is 'receiving' violence…

                      And whoever is able to inflict injury first will walk away.
                      THAT is what's at stake here…

                      And it's why I'm so committed to making sure you are ready to be the one who walks away.

                      And with the All Access cancel at any time guarantee - you have nothing to lose.
                      And Everything to Gain.

                      Plus you're always minutes away from help with the support desk.

                      So it only makes sense to claim your membership right now.

                      Look below this sentence...

                      Find the bright, Red, rectangular button below that says "Join Now!'...

                      Put your mouse over it and click to claim access for yourself...
                      NOW: As soon as your login details hit your inbox - I want you to click the link and log into the member's area immediately.
                      Pick a video - I recommend starting with The Foundation Series - and watch it...
                      There's no reason to wait...

                      If you're like most folks; you'll immediately start to feel safer. Better prepared to deal with threats.

                      It'll take you less than an hour to complete and you're done.

                      You've just done more for your safety and the safety of your loved ones than the "self-defense" industry has done for you in the last decade, so go ahead and click that button.


                      Don't wait one second longer.

                      If you delay you may miss the chance to lock in the charter member deal and come back later to find that the price is higher than it is right now.

                      But beyond that - every single day we see an increase in random acts of violence… That means every day you continue without this training is another day at -risk.

                      A day when you could be walking around with supreme confidence...

                      And really - what area of your life isn't improved by feeling confident?

                      Plus the risks of doing nothing far outweigh the minimal investment of doing something.

                      So the choice is fairly simple…

                      Choice one is to continue to deny the increase in violence today…

                      To tell yourself that everything will be OK...

                      And maybe you're right.

                      But I'm sure that the victims of yesterday's murders all thought the same thing at one point…
                      Yesterday it became too late to prepare.

                      None of us want that for you, so this really isn't a choice at all.

                      The other option is to join me as a Platinum Member in the All Access Virtual Training Center and gain the confidence you desire and deserve…

                      Seems like the better choice to me.

                      Here's what I want you to do right now...

                      Look below this sentence...

                      Find the bright, Red, rectangular button below that says "Join Now!"...

                      Put your mouse over it and click it to claim instant access right now...
                      Tim Larkin
                      Founder, Target Focus Training
                      Copyright © 2018 - Target Focus Training. All Rights Reserved